Embarking on a weight loss journey can be both exciting and scary, motivating and frustrating, uplifting and anxiety-inducing – all at the same time. You’ll feel moments of joy as you notice the positive impact of your weight loss plan, as well as moments of frustration when you don’t see any change.
Patience is key, but what about having a positive attitude and mindset? Discover the connection between having a positive mindset for weight loss and how positive thinking can support you on your weight loss journey.

Can Positive Thinking Help You Lose Weight?
Yes, don’t underestimate the power of positive thinking! Being optimistic and maintaining a positive attitude can play a beneficial role in your weight loss journey.
Focusing on the negatives, like parts of your body you dislike or your weight, can impact your progress. This is because negative thoughts can often lead to comfort eating and feeling unmotivated, which can result in the desire to quit your weight loss plan – especially if you’re not seeing any progress.
Having a positive weight loss mindset can help you overcome these hurdles and give you the motivation you need to reach your desired weight loss goal. As you start believing in yourself with positive thinking, you’ll naturally feel more confident that you can achieve your goals.
We’ve put together our top tips on how to practise positive thinking and get a positive mindset to help you through your weight loss journey.
How to Get a Positive Mindset for Weight Loss
Discover our favourite ways to implement positive thinking on your weight loss journey.
Visualise Your Weight Loss Success
Staying optimistic and visualising your weight loss success is a great place to start. Reminding yourself of why you started on this journey and imagining what your life will be like when you’ve succeeded will help to keep you motivated and on track.
Don’t Dwell on Mistakes
Things can go wrong when you’re following a weight loss plan – and that’s totally okay. Whether you’ve missed a day of light exercise or consumed more calories than intended, acknowledge that it’s happened but try not to beat yourself up about it.
Thinking negatively towards these mistakes can often make you feel guilty and lead to comfort eating, which can become a cyclical pattern. Instead, remind yourself that one small mistake won’t undo your progress.
Reduce Stress Levels
Stress can be intrinsically linked to encouraging negative thoughts in your head. Try some stress relieving activities to help clear your mind, like going for a walk, doing yoga, taking a relaxing bath, meditating, or aromatherapy – the perfect solution to make room for positive thinking.

Set Achievable Goals
Setting unrealistic goals will be detrimental to maintaining a positive weight loss mindset. Instead, choose small, achievable goals that are manageable and attainable. Hitting those smaller goals will support and encourage positive thinking, helping you to recognise the progress you’re making throughout your weight loss journey.
Celebrate the Victories
This leads us on to our next point. No matter how big or small your goals are, it’s important to celebrate every win. Unsure how to celebrate? Read our alternative ways to celebrate your weight loss results.
Pin Motivational Quotes on Your Mirror
Be your own personal cheerleader! Add positive affirmations and motivational quotes around your mirror to remind yourself of how far you’ve come. Every time you look in the mirror, you’ll give yourself a boost of confidence and encourage positive thinking.
Dress for Your Present Body
Never underestimate the importance of dressing for your changing body. For those that have successfully lost some weight already, wearing your old, baggy clothes that fit incorrectly can make you feel flat and unmotivated. Similarly, if you’ve got clothes that are too small or too tight, it may instil feelings of failure. Dress in clothes that you feel confident and comfortable in for a quick way to maintain a positive mindset during your weight loss journey.
Establish An Enjoyable Routine
To help you maintain a positive mindset, it’s important to get into a routine that you enjoy. When it comes to your weight loss diet, stay on track with your weight-loss journey by ensuring you have the right nutritional support. Make sure to protect your gut, lose fat, preserve muscle, stay hydrated, take your micronutrients, and support your skin and hair health.